Essential list of Validation & Verification cases for CFD solvers
This list is generally for mainly compressible flows & suggestions for incompressible flows is greatly appreciated !
A tutorial from NASA on best practices in verification and validation of CFD solvers.
[ NASA Link ]
2. Turbulence Models
NASA provides a series of test cases to validate & verify turbulence models from Spalart-Allamaras to LES / DNS.
[ NASA LARC - Turbulence models V&V ]
[ NASA LARC - Turbulence models V&V ]
3. Comprehensive Test cases
A comprehensive list of test cases for various CFD solver and its components.
[ NPARC Alliance Verification and Validation Archive ]
4. Another set of Test cases
A list of test cases for NASA's CFL3D solver.
[ CFL3D Test cases ]
5. Drag prediction workshop
Test cases for production grade solvers
[ AIAA Drag prediction Workshop ]
6. A collection of resources
From CFD-online
[ CFD-online Validation & Verification ]
7. AGARD Experimental data for CFD code validation
PDF1 4mb
PDF2 22mb
Also AIAA papers
1. AIAA 93-0002 Dryden Lectureship in Research - A perspective on CFD validation.
2. Von Karman Institute, Verification and validation of computational fluid dynamics. In association with the Thematic Network FLOWNET (European Commission DG XII) June 5 - 8, 2000; F. Grasso, J. PĂ©riaux, H. Deconinck
8. Higher-order Schemes
A list of test cases for higher-order scheme accuracy. [Wang]
9. Some other validation cases
SimJournal: Ammar Hakim’s Simulation Journal. [Ammar Hakim]