Thursday, December 26, 2013

Lecture on convective heat transfer

Instructuer : Prof. C. J. Chen
Number of lectures : 9
Duration : 1hr+ approx.
Source : youtube

Lecture on Turbulence

Instructuer : Prof. C. J. Chen
Number of lectures : 19
Duration : 1hr+ approx.
Source : youtube

Lecture on Turbulent heat transfer

Instructuer : Prof. C. J. Chen
Number of lectures : 7
Duration : 1hr approx.
Source : youtube

Friday, December 13, 2013

Some awesome projects to look out for... MUSCLE 2

MUSCLE 2 - The Multiscale Coupling Library and Environment is a portable framework to do multiscale modeling and simulation on distributed computing resources. The generic coupling mechanism of MUSCLE is suitable for many types of multiscale applications, notably for multiscale models as defined by the  MAPPER project or complex automata as defined in the  COAST project. Submodels can be implemented from scratch, but legacy code can also be used with only minor adjustments. The runtime environment solves common problems in distributed computing and couples submodels of a multiscale model, whether they are built for high-performance supercomputers or for local execution.

Within the MAPPER project, MUSCLE is being enhanced and adapted to the Grid infrastructures. Parts of the reservation and management interacts with the  QCG-Computing middleware stack, intended for job management on e-Infrastructure.
The software that is hosted here was initially developed by Jan Hegewald as part of the COAST project.

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Some awesome projects to look out for... OpenPALM

In order to efficiently represent complex systems, numerical modelling has to rely on many physical models at a time: an ocean model coupled with an atmospheric model is at the basis of climate modelling; a combustion model coupled with a radiation model allows the computation of a combustion chamber temperature. The continuity of the solution is granted only if these models can constantly exchange information.
OpenPALM is a software allowing the concurrent execution and the intercommunication of programs based on in-house as well as commercial codes.

The OpenPALM team proposes training to the coupler several times each years at CERFACS. Moreover, don't hesitate to contact us directly ( and if you want informations on the coupler, on the instrumentations on the code to couple as well as on coupling algorithms.

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