- Hyperbolic and parabolic model equations
- Schemes for model equations
- C codes that implement conservative difference schemes, explicit and implicit, for hyperbolic and parabolic model equations in 1D - modeq.tar.gz
- FCT-schemes
- Sample C/C++ codes that implement some FCT schemes for hyperbolic model equations in 1D - fct.tar.gz
- One-dimensional conservation laws of gas dynamics
- First order Godunov schemes
- Piecewise-constant approximation to the solution within computational cells, single step advancing in time. Several source codes in ANSI C with different solvers of the Riemann problem are available:
- exact procedure of Godunov - godunov.tar.gz
- approximate flux-difference splitting (FDS) of Roe - roe_fds.tar.gz
- approximate linearized characteristic-based Riemann solver (LCS): lcs.tar.gz - (Fortran 77 and C sources available). Description of LCS solver downloadable as gzipped PS file - solver.ps.gz
- Higher order Godunov-type schemes
- Piecewise-parabolic spatial reconstruction, minmod() limiter function, LCS solver, three- and two- step Runge-Kutta in time. Sources in C are available for:
- Two- and three-step schemes that use non-iterative (LCS), iterative (LCSS), and weakly linearized (WLCS) versions of characteristic-based Riemann solver and a program for exact solution of Riemann problem: lcs3.tar.gz
- Two-step scheme for variable composition mixture of gases: lcs2mix.tar.gz
- A set of different 1D schemes; demo package
- Four different schemes solving "subsonic" and "supersonic" Riemann problems, with numerical and exact solutions
compared - sch1d.tar.gz. This package contains:
1) a non-conservative characteristic-based scheme,
2) Godunov scheme (as in godunov.tar.gz),
3) three step higher-order scheme (as in lcs3.tar.gz),
4) one-step higher-order scheme.
- Two-dimensional conservation laws of gas dynamics
- Higher order Godunov-type "generic" 2D scheme
- Rectangular mesh, piecewise-parabolic spatial reconstruction, minmod() limiter function, characteristic-based solver LCS, three step Runge-Kutta in time. C source - lcs2d3.tar.gz
- Higher order scheme for 2D equations in axisymmetrical form
- Higher order Godunov-type scheme applied to aeroacoustical problem: a finite-amplitude wave issuing from 1D duct into the 2D atmosphere. Standard C source code - noise.tar.gz
- Large Eddy Simulation
- Cartesian grid compressible LES
- Piecewise-parabolic distribution within computational cells, two-step time integration, 3D, unsteady filtered Navier-Stokes equations.
Description of LES numerical scheme downloadable as gzipped PS file - les.ps.gz.
Test examples in C are available for:
- LES of turbulent mixing layer - layer2.tar.gz.
- LES of turbulent flow in square duct - duct.tar.gz.
- High performance LES
- Parallel implementation of LES of turbulent flows (uses MPI):
- LES of nonisothermal turbulent jet - mpi_tjet.tar.gz. Sample computed and animated flowfield - tjet.html.
- LES of turbulent flow in square duct - mpi_duct.tar.gz. Computed and animated flowfield - duct.html.
- LES of turbulent jet in coflowing stream - mpi_jet.tar.gz. Animated flowfield - jet.html.
- LES of turbulent mixing layer - mpi_layer2.tar.gz. Animation - layer.html.
- Combustion
- Propagation of 1D pre-mixed laminar (normal) flame
- Numerical scheme for 1D normal premixed combustion based on above listed high-resolution Godunov scheme lcs2mix. C source code - normal.tar.gz
- Flow Visualization
- WinField 1.07
- Visualization of scalar flowfield given by rectangular table. Win32 binary and C source - winfield.zip
source : http://www.reocities.com/MotorCity/pit/9939/freecfd.htm