Thursday, December 25, 2014

Here is a bit on Fortran basics. There will be a continuation of this with functions, subroutines and modules. If there are any mistakes, please do point out. Thanks.

Friday, December 12, 2014

CFD - Jargon

by A De Souza, NAFEMS

Monday, December 8, 2014

Hyperbolic, Convection dominated flows -- Lectures by Toro & Chi Wang Shu

This link shows the video of Toro talking about Hyperbolic equations and finite volume and DG frameworks. This lecture is very helpful to get a better understanding and kind of a crash course about  solving hyperbolic equations the numerical schemes that can used for specific problems their properties and so on... 

If you are interested in higher order methods and more of DG methods, follow the videos by Chi Wang Shu.

This channel on YouTube Link to Channel, will be very helpful to follow on lectures for convection dominated problems and higher order methods.

Have a good time breaking your head and finding the way around these very beautifully built numerical schemes!!!  Enjoy!!!  :) And we are open for discussions!!!

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